Naheweinstraße , 55585 Oberhausen an der Nahe
Min period of 7 nights
from 22,00 € per person VAT excl. See accommodation: Alte PostEbertsheimer Straße , 67304 Kerzenheim
Min period of 2 nights
from 19,33 € per person VAT incl. See accommodationBitzerstraße , 67806 Rockenhausen
Min period of 30 nights
from 18,00 € per person VAT excl. See accommodationKreuznacher Straße , 67806 Rockenhausen
Min period of 3 nights
Pfrimmstrasse , 67297 Marnheim
Min period of 2 nights
from 18,00 € per person VAT incl. See accommodationWorker accommodation in Donnersbergkreis from 17,00 €
workers accommodation, boarding houses & hotels
Direct contact to the landlord, no commission fee
Dieser Ort ist unter den folgenden Namen bekannt: Donnersbergkreis, Powiat Donnersberg
On you can specifically search for worker rooms in Donnersbergkreis. In the list view, you will get over 11 results that you can sort by all results in Donnersbergkreis by distance to the center.
Find an affordable accommodation in Donnersbergkreis starting from 17,00 €. Sort the search result for Donnersbergkreis in ascending order by price.
You have the option to specify your search for a worker room in Donnersbergkreis. Use the equipment filter and get a precise result for worker rooms in Donnersbergkreis with car parks or .
In Donnersbergkreis you will find more than 11 worker room offers. You can use the sorting filter to see the result for worker rooms in Donnersbergkreis, sorted by number of people.