- Television - Single beds with space between them - Private, fully equipped kitchen with oven, microwave, kettle, etc. - Private bathroom - Washing machine - Fast WLAN / WIFI - Notifiable addresses - 24/7 digital self-check-in - Professional cleaning - If required: Additional refrigerators in each room - If required: Additional furniture and equipment - If required: Membership discounts - If required: Project-related relocations within our properties
**APARTS** has over 200 beds in the Berlin area and is growing continuously.
We rent exclusively to corporate clients. Unfortunately, we cannot serve private individuals, nor do we rent to people whose costs are covered by the government.
As we receive numerous inquiries every day, the best way to support us is to provide as much information as possible.
We understand that your projects and clients are of the utmost importance to you. It is therefore crucial to provide quality accommodation for your employees.
- We are interested in and prefer long-term partnerships with our customers. - Our experienced management team regularly monitors the condition of our accommodation. - We allow flexibility to extend and renew your bookings depending on your project needs. - There is a consistent standard across all our accommodation, so you know what to expect. - Our booking and administration process is straightforward. - Preference is given to key accounts as our accommodation is suitable for companies of all sizes. - Our aim is to take away any worries about your accommodation and keep calls from your employees to a minimum.
Place your trust in us, as do over 300 satisfied customers. We look forward to a successful cooperation!
Additional pricing information
The exact, daily updated price is available on request, but the price per bed is usually around 20-30 €. The price depends on several factors: The length of stay, the number of people, the time of booking and other factors. Take advantage of further benefits: We are happy to offer a framework agreement for frequent bookers, returning customers and major customers.